
Crimes Reported to the LAPD

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The number of reported crimes by precinct from Jan. 1 through May 31.

Bold numbers = 1992*

Plain numbers = 1991

Homicide Rape Robbery CENTRAL BUREAU Central 8 8 26* 31 1111* 1032 Hollenbeck 33* 20 16* 17 615* 448 Newton 42* 35 46* 35 1023* 956 Northeast 23* 15 33* 25 722* 631 Rampart 47* 49 81* 57 1633* 1604 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 14* 20 25* 23 475* 425 Southwest 30* 28 57* 54 1088* 1134 77th 55* 47 79* 72 1497* 1616 Southeast 44* 26 69* 65 1114* 1006 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 16* 19 63* 66 1006* 1057 Pacific 11* 7 53* 33 690* 565 West L.A. 4* 4 26* 16 519* 419 Wilshire 21* 27 54* 64 1571* 1569 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 7* 8 29* 27 602* 390 Foothill 17* 23 45* 41 532* 448 North 6* 16 23* 29 583* 468 Hollywood Van Nuys 15* 12 60* 57 650* 665 West Valley 9* 4 32* 42 616* 477 Total 402* 368 817* 754 16,047* 14,910

Aggravated Assault CENTRAL BUREAU Central 640* 693 Hollenbeck 926* 840 Newton 1154* 1138 Northeast 906* 749 Rampart 1929* 1745 SOUTH BUREAU Harbor 815* 929 Southwest 1301* 1114 77th 1808* 1791 Southeast 1839* 1805 WEST BUREAU Hollywood 1000* 1009 Pacific 623* 624 West L.A. 376* 308 Wilshire 1300* 1022 VALLEY BUREAU Devonshire 686* 614 Foothill 1083* 1012 North 844* 813 Hollywood Van Nuys 1081* 996 West Valley 802* 749 Total 19,113* 17,951
