
Safety Linked to Departure Procedures, Not Noise Limits

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A July 20 editorial regarding the FAA’s review of departure procedures was right on target when it called for “Safety First in Takeoffs.” John Wayne Airport, the airlines, the pilots and the FAA all stand together in supporting standards that will enhance safety at JWA and at airports across the country.

The editorial misses the mark on a couple of crucial points, though. First, it suggests that the new standards have not yet been implemented because of the noise test at JWA. In fact, as of April 1, 1992, every carrier and every departure at JWA meets or exceeds the proposed safety standards. The new standards cannot be implemented until the FAA completes a final “Advisory Circular” defining the new standards, circulates the standards for public comment and completes all environmental documentation required by federal law. Not one of these steps has taken place yet.

Second, the editorial perpetuates the myth that the noise limits at JWA may not be safe. The correct link is not between noise limits and safety, but between departure procedures and safety. FAA recognizes this link by identifying new standards for departure procedures, not for new noise limits.


The county has always supported efforts to enhance safety at John Wayne Airport. By working with the FAA, the airlines and the pilots, we continue to work toward this mutual goal.

JANICE M. MITTERMEIER, Director, John Wayne Airport
