
Caltrans Program

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Few would disagree with the finding of a recent study (“L.A. May Need $6 Billion to Rebuild” (July 29), which underscores the urgent need for massive job creation in the riot-ravaged inner city.

However, I would like to point out that over 10 years ago Caltrans recognized this priority need and had the foresight to initiate an economy-stimulating, job-training program for I-105 Glenn M. Anderson (Century) Freeway corridor residents.

Thousands of inner-city men and women have learned valuable skills in the free Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program, which has enabled them to get well-paying construction jobs. More than 2,400 trainees have been placed in jobs. To date, 4,701 have enrolled in the program (3,377 men and 1,325 women). Nearly 3,000 participants have completed the training.


The program consists of an eight-to-12-week course in which trainees are paid on a graduated scale while learning the skills that will land them entry-level construction job.

Trainees have rehabilitated 85 residential units in the I-105 corridor. The California Department of Housing and Community Development and Caltrans made available $2 million to the center so trainees can rehabilitate more units.


Caltrans District 7 Director

Los Angeles
