
Political Coverage

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It was with great disappointment that I witnessed the San Diego media, with precious few exceptions, ignore the recent campaign swing of Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate June Genis.

No one can dispute the fact that voters are being turned off by the choices offered them. And yet when an alternative tries to break through media indifference, she is ignored.

The local Libertarian Party phoned, faxed, mailed and called members of the press to bring attention to Genis’ visit and press conference. But the best we could do was an “ambush” interview with one reporter.


With all the discussion over how to increase the ever-declining voter turnout, why doesn’t the press examine their own practices? While their coverage of Democratic and Republican candidates is usually without depth, coverage of candidates from other parties is virtually nil.

I believe the press shares in the blame for an uneducated and apathetic voting public. It’s time that voters were informed about ALL the candidates. The two-party system is in trouble and voters need to know about the alternatives.

PAT WRIGHT, Chairman, Libertarian Party of California
