
SHERMAN OAKS : Real Estate Specialist Named to Post in Armenia

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Real estate specialist Gary H. Bedian of Sherman Oaks will travel today to Armenia where he has been appointed a chief adviser and deputy minister of industry.

Bedian, whose firm, Bedian Child, markets projects and joint ventures in Los Angeles and throughout the world, has been asked to help raise capital to operate high-technology businesses in Armenia.

Bedian, 32, said the new republic has several major plants that were nearing completion when the revolution erupted in 1990 and now stand idle. He said two plants have modern equipment that was to be used for secret Soviet military work. He said Armenia plans to complete the plants for commercial production.


Bedian is the fourth Armenian in Southern California to be named to key positions in the newly independent government. The others hold positions in the ministries of energy, foreign affairs and public health and science.
