
Your tax dollars at work: County Supervisor...

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Your tax dollars at work: County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, confronting one of the major issues of our time, called for an investigation into the 1962 death of Marilyn Monroe.

In a semi-dramatic moment at the supes’ meeting, Antonovich announced that he was responding to more than 1,200 pleas from “all over the world.” Some of the drama was defused, however, when it was revealed that the supervisor’s business address had been listed at the end of a recent TV special, “The Marilyn Files”--because of his previous interest in the subject.

“It (listing the address) was done without our knowledge,” said Dawson Oppenheimer, a spokesman for Antonovich, the ever-vigilant, one-time reserve police officer.


Unmoved, colleague Ed Edelman called the idea “irresponsible and a waste of resources.” Since only three supes were present--the number of yes votes needed for a majority--Antonovich tabled the motion until Sept. 8.

Oppenheimer denied that it was all a ploy by his boss to focus attention on the Kennedys during an election year. After all, this is the third time that Antonovich has tried to reopen the case. Call it his 30-year itch.

From the metaphysical to the temporal: Tom Mills photographed a sign in need of an editor at a freeway off-ramp in the Pacoima area.


Ooh L.A. L.A.!What’s this--the riots actually making Southern California a more desirable place to live? That’s the notion you could get from Money magazine’s latest list of the most livable areas in the nation. L.A.-Long Beach moved from 95th in 1991 to 34th in 1992. It turns out that data for the poll was collected before the riots. On the other hand, the price of real estate here has become attractive.

In search of creative accounting during the recession?Sally Paskin spotted a classified ad for a business administrator “with strong financial background, knowledge of computerized acctg. and metaphysics. . . .”

Who’ll fall next?Russell Bell writes that when he attempted to call his in-laws in New Orleans he was “greeted with the message that the area code had been changed to 310.” He added: “I’m curious whether the People’s Republic of Santa Monica has now claimed the French Quarter.”

Not to be confused with a Bearded Bronco: In a local Neighborhood Watch bulletin, Cathy Franklin of the Episcopal News noticed a reference to an unusual type of “late-model small pickup” (see excerpt above).


Bipartisan bickering: As further evidence of what a strange political year this has been, we spotted a car in San Pedro with separate bumper stickers attacking President Bush and Atlanta Jane (aka Jane Fonda).


In “A Guide to Historical Outings in Southern California,” Gloria Lothrop includes, among the oldest businesses in Los Angeles, Wolcott’s Stationers (1893), Darling’s FLowers (1895), Fowler’s Book Store (1888), Bekins Moving and Storage (1891), Ralphs Grocery Store (1883) and Robinson’s (1883).
