
Relive the thrilling animated adventures of Jonny...

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Relive the thrilling animated adventures of Jonny Quest, his dog Bandit, his pal Hadji, his father Dr. Quest and his hero-for-hire friend Race Bannon when TNT presents “The Jonny Quest Fest II,” (Sunday at 7 a.m.) featuring four half-hour episodes from the 1964-65 prime-time series. A teen-age Tim Matheson supplies the voice of Jonny.

KTTV’s Mark Thompson hosts “Television’s Biggest Night: A Salute to the Emmy Awards” (Sunday at 6 p.m. on KTTV), a salute to the Emmy winners of the ‘50s and ‘60s featuring rare archival footage.

The Family Channel begins airing repeats of ABC’s acclaimed dramatic series “Life Goes On” (Monday-Thursdays at 7 p.m.; 1 p.m. Sunday); Chris Burke, Patti LuPone and Bill Smitrovich star.


Reruns of ABC’s 1988-91 Western series “The Young Riders” begin on the Family Channel (Tuesday at 9 p.m.; it will air regularly weeknights at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 8 p.m.) Josh Brolin stars.

Al Molinaro of “Happy Days” guests in the “Ice Station Siegfried” installment of “Get Smart” (Tuesday at 9 p.m. on Nickelodeon) in which Smart and the Chief are frozen in Miami.

Lucy barges on the set of John Wayne’s latest Western and almost makes the Duke lose his first movie battle on “The Lucy Show” (Tuesday at 11 p.m. on Nickelodeon).


Before he became “Conan” and “The Terminator,” Arnold Schwarzenegger starred as Mickey Hargitay, the muscle-man husband of Jayne Mansfield (Loni Anderson) in the 1980 TV movie “The Jayne Mansfield Story” (Wednesday at 7:05 a.m. on TBS).

A pre-Captain Kirk William Shatner beams down on an episode of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” (Wednesday at 10:30 p.m on Nickelodeon) as a man with an overly possessive mother who makes a deadly mistake when he decides to get married.

Elinor Donohue (Princess of “Father Knows Best” fame) makes her first appearance as pharmacist Ellie Walker on “The Andy Griffith Show” (Friday at 3:35 p.m. on TBS).


Phil Silvers guests on “The Lucy Show” (next Sunday at 2 a.m. on Nickelodeon) as an efficiency expert who arrives at Mr. Mooney’s bank.
