
Coverage of Navy Tailhook Scandal

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Last month I was in Norfolk, Va., on the sad occasion of the funeral for the air crew of an E-2C Hawkeye that crashed during routine flight operations from the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy. Five men lost their lives in that tragic mishap: five Navy carrier aviators--with families--who were committed to preserving America’s military strength. One of those young men served as my flag lieutenant throughout Desert Shield and Desert Storm, flying combat missions in the E-2C. Ironic, you might say, that he was killed in a peacetime exercise, but those of us who fly from carrier decks live with that possibility on a daily basis.

My purpose in writing is to convey my concern and dismay that the tremendous amount of adverse media coverage concerning Tailhook, criticism that is out of proportion to naval aviation as a whole, has distorted the public’s perception of carrier aviation, naval aviation in general, and indeed all U.S. Navy personnel. It was the reprehensible actions of less than 1% of the nearly 3,000 Tailhook attendees that have unfairly tarred the reputations of tens of thousands of honorable officers throughout the fleet.

The Navy and Marine Corps are vigorously addressing three issues concerning women: sexual assault at Tailhook ‘91; assignment of women to combat units, ships and squadrons, and sexual harassment throughout the fleet. Upon completion of the Department of Defense investigation, those responsible for criminal activity and violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice will be punished; those who bungled the initial Navy investigation will be brought to task. Pending the upcoming November, 1992, report of the President’s Commission on Women in the Armed Forces, the Navy stands ready to assign women to combat billets if DOD policy changes. Sexual harassment will be solved in the same manner that the Navy remedied racial and drug problems in the ‘70s and ‘80s: education, training and strong leadership throughout the chain of command.


Mistakes have been made in the past; lessons have been learned; changes are being made. The message has been sent and received loud and clear. Meanwhile, everyday, there are thousand of men and women serving their country throughout the world, including those who risk their lives daily flying carrier-based aircraft. They are deeply committed to the traditional Navy and Marine Corps values of integrity, honor and commitment to excellence, and deserve better than the treatment they are receiving from some members of the media. RILEY D. MIXSON

Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy

