
Republican Party Platform and Gays

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Re “Delegate Angry Gays Left Out of GOP Platform,” Aug. 18:

As a gay Democrat I have to say that I’ve never understood the concept of gay Republicans or the Log Cabin Federation. Being gay and a Republican seems to be embracing and supporting the very people who hate you. Something is wrong with Frank Ricchiazzi’s thinking when he says “And the only way to make change is from the inside.” This is like being Jewish and joining the Nazi party or being black and joining the KKK.

The Democrats on the other hand have included lesbians and gay men. My suggestion to Ricchiazzi is to join the Democrats and work from within a party that accepts him as a complete human being worthy of equal rights and protection under the law. Lou Sheldon, Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan are enemies of my community and the Republican Party not only embraces them and what they stand for, but holds them up as their leaders. That is why I am a Democrat!


Los Angeles
