
Family Values Not on the Screen?

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You don’t even have to be famous to get caught up in what Beverly Beyette covered in “Hollywood Shuffle.”

Years ago, when Friday lunch at Ma Maison was de rigueur, I was taken there for my birthday by the publisher of the then-very “in” Beverly Hills People. We sat at the third table and were joined by the then-very de rigueur Mr. Bon Vivant, Henry Berger. The introductions went like this:

Publisher: Henry, do you know Chloe Ross?

Henry Berger: Chloe Ross? Why no. Are you married to Frank Ross (the director)?

Chloe Ross: No, I’m not. My ex-husband is married to his ex-wife.

Henry Berger: Oh, well, that explains it. How do you do?

We lunched. I don’t remember much else about the lunch itself, but I have had many a chuckle thinking about that introduction even now. It just goes to show you that you don’t have to be in a very exalted orbit to get caught up in the whole song and dance.

As your writer said, “That’s Hollywood.” Indeed.


Los Angeles
