
Retail Merchant Training Program Rejected

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After criticism from some members, the Glendale Redevelopment Agency on Tuesday sent back for more study a $25,000 proposal to teach local merchants to become more competitive in the sluggish economy.

The staff had recommended that the city sponsor a five-week training program for 20 retail owners or managers each from the Glendale Galleria, Brand Boulevard and Montrose Shopping Park, plus 40 sales associates from the three areas.

Madalyn Blake, community development and housing director, said the proposal was developed with representatives of the Verdugo Private Industry Council, the city’s volunteer Economic Advisory Council and the Chamber of Commerce to help boost the city’s declining sales tax revenues.


But several City Council members, who serve as the five-member Redevelopment Agency, questioned the usefulness of the program, which would be operated by the Glendale Community College Professional Development Center.

Members Ginger Bremberg and Larry Zarian said they objected to using tax dollars to train merchants and salespeople. “Merchants need customers; they don’t need training,” Zarian said. Bremberg called the idea “a waste of money.”

Member Eileen Givens said she agreed with the concept but wanted more information on details. City Manager David Ramsay suggested postponing action until Sept. 29. Mayor Carl Raggio, who was on vacation, had supported earlier proposals to use city money to bolster economic conditions.
