
Monorail Pro and Con

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My husband and I sat through five hours of bickering over the San Fernando Valley East-West rail transit alternatives in the County Board of Supervisors’ hearing room.

In answer to the rhetoric spewed by the pro-Monorail faction, those of us who oppose this ridiculous idea are not a “vocal minority.” Thousands of people live within viewing distance of the Ventura freeway, and I defy County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and his supporters to find a majority of monorail supporters in this group.

We do not oppose it simply out of a “not in my back yard” syndrome. If they wanted to run a subway under the freeway, we’d be thrilled.


The monorail is an unproven system that has been used only when no viable alternative exists. It would be L.A.’s worst nightmare in a significant earthquake. There is no emergency escape route from a train between stops.

Monorail is inherently, irreconcilably flawed. Don’t let Antonovich convince you that turnips are tulips.


Sherman Oaks
