
Values Governing a Culture

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I would like to make a few comments regarding the Counterpunch personal commentaries (“Cultural Elite or a Free-Thinking Multitude?,” Sept. 14) responding to Howard Rosenberg’s “Is the GOP Getting the Last Laugh?” (Sept. 2).

First, to Danny Goldberg: I am a Jew. I resent your attempt to label as an anti-Semite anyone that takes a stand against the moral vacuousness of the entertainment industry. The truth is, with few exceptions (i.e., Disney, Ron Howard), I, along with many other parents, find it increasingly difficult to find entertainment that is wholesome, family oriented and that reinforces traditional family values.

What are these values? They are not premarital sex, promiscuity, homosexuality, murder, sadism, divorce and abortion. They are (although not exhaustively) chastity, charity, forgiveness, marital fidelity, heterosexual relations and meeting the responsibility of bearing and raising the children we procreate.


To Richard Michaels: There is a cultural war going on in our country. There is a wholesale assault on religious freedom of expression. We are now told that it is “inappropriate” to express our moral and religious convictions in the schools, at work or in politics.

John Adams, the second President of the United States, said: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality or religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”


Canoga Park
