
FULLERTON : Armstrong Named New City Manager

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The City Council has appointed James L. Armstrong to replace retiring City Manager William C. Winter.

Armstrong, 39, will begin work Oct. 19.

Armstrong is currently assistant city manager in Anaheim, a position he has held for two years.

Councilman A. B. (Buck) Catlin said he thinks that the transition from one city manager to the other will be smooth.


“Having come from a nearby Orange County city, (Armstrong) understands Orange County dynamics,” Catlin said. “He comes with a very good reputation in Orange County.”

Catlin said he is confident Armstrong will “hit the ground running.”

One of Armstrong’s chief responsibilities in Anaheim is overseeing the Finance Department.

Armstrong said he has been in charge of “day-to-day budget activities” during the recent budget crisis.

“Budget cuts are not easy,” he said.

Armstrong also supervises the library, parks and recreation, community services and the convention center and stadium in Anaheim.


He has lived for five years in Fullerton and was born in Pasadena.

He has a bachelor’s degree from UCLA and a master’s degree in public administration from Cal State Long Beach.

Armstrong was selected from more than 80 candidates who applied for the job.

He said his first task will be to learn about the city that Winter has managed for 13 years.

“My first few months will be spent listening,” he said.
