
PLACENTIA : Gas Pipe Repairs Disrupting School

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Repairs to gas pipes at El Dorado High School could cost $50,000 and take up to four weeks to complete, leaving science students without Bunsen burners and athletes with no alternative to cold showers until then, according to school officials.

Leaks were discovered during a routine inspection shortly before classes resumed Sept. 8, forcing a shut-off of gas service to the school.

After several leaks were repaired, district officials decided the problem was extensive enough to require replacing nearly 2,000 feet of pipeline, according to Director of Maintenance Richard Philippi.


The problem never posed a danger, but has presented an inconvenience.

The kitchen at El Dorado is one of two which prepare lunches to be distributed throughout the district. Until a temporary pipeline was hooked up to the kitchen on Tuesday, food service workers were forced to prepare lunches that didn’t require gas cooking.

Without gas, the swimming pool is unheated and physical education students and athletes have been taking cold showers.

Home economics students are unable to use the gas stoves.

Gas was also used to run a co-generator which supplied power to the school at a lower cost than electricity. Without the co-generator, the school will see a rise in its electricity bill, Philippi said.


Kim Stallings, the district’s assistant superintendent for administrative services, has asked the Board of Education to declare an emergency resolution in response to the leaks. Such a resolution would allow the district to avoid a lengthy bidding process in seeking a contractor to handle the repairs.
