
PORT HUENEME : School Aide, Kin to Lead Off Parade

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A Hueneme School District worker will lead a parade Saturday to kick off the annual Port Hueneme Harbor Days.

Wayne Jones will ride with his granddaughters in a 1929 Model A Ford, officially opening the two-day festival in a parade beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Surfside Drive at Hueneme Beach.

Jones is the supervisor of custodians for the Hueneme School District and served many years as a volunteer with the Ventura County Fire Department. He was named Citizen of the Year by the Port Hueneme Chamber of Commerce in 1988 for his activism in the community, officials said.


Besides vintage automobiles, the parade will feature marching bands, entertainers, equestrians, dancers and floats. The line-up of entertainment during Harbor Days includes puppets, clowns and mimes for children and bands playing modern and classical music for those with more sophisticated tastes.

Visitors both days will have the opportunity to tour a Navy frigate that carries guided missiles at the nearby Naval Construction Battalion Center. On Sunday, they can watch a miniature pine-box derby at the Dorill B. Wright Cultural Center.

A fishing derby will be held at 7:30 a.m. Sunday off Hueneme Pier. Anglers will be divided into two age categories: under 13 and 13 and up. Prizes will be given for the biggest, best and ugliest catches of the day.


Admission to all events is free.
