
Discovery of 7 Stories by Joyce Reported

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An Irish scholar has found a manuscript that James Joyce wrote in 1923 and abandoned a year later, a British newspaper said Saturday.

Danis Rose stumbled across the neglected texts of seven short stories while going through the Irish author’s papers during research for a critical edition of “Finnegans Wake,” Joyce’s most complex work, the Guardian said.

“It’s very, very exciting,” Rose said. “It is the most significant textual find of this century. It alters forever our current model of Joyce. We must reconsider what Joyce achieved; everything has to be seen in a different context.”


Rose, who has been sifting through Joyce’s papers for 16 years, found that he began a collection of stories called “Finn’s Hotel” between writing “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake.”

In contrast to “Ulysses” and “Finnegans Wake,” the stories in the collection are clear in style. “It’s lucid,” said Rose. “That’s very unusual.”

The stories are to be published next March, the Guardian said.

Joyce died in Zurich in 1941.
