
Plants That Help Form Barrier

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One of the best ways to keep fire away from your home is to landscape with numerous varieties of succulent or drought-tolerant plants.

Succulents are the best fire retardant and thrive with little water. Herbaceous perennials and woody ground covers will slow a fire, yet need more water. If planting trees, avoid highly flammable varieties such as eucalyptus, juniper and pine.

Here are some recommended varieties:


Croceum ice plant, rosea ice plant, white trailing ice plant, stone crops and Hottentot fig.


Herbaceous perennials

African daisy, cape weed, Caucasian sagebrush, carpet bugle, ivy geranium, lippia, periwinkle, saltbush, santolina, thyme, trailing gazania, wild strawberry, woolly yarrow.

Woody ground covers

Aaron’s beard, Algerian ivy, bearberry, dwarf coyote bush, dwarf rosemary, natal plum, sageleaf rockrose, sunrose, trailing lantana, wild lilac.


Alder, black walnut, bottlebrush, California live oak, sycamore, valley oak.
