
‘92 POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE : How Business Views the Election

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Name: Helen MacKinnon

Company: Technical Connections Inc., Los Angeles

Position: Owner

Registration: Democrat


Q. Who are you going to vote for?

A. Bill Clinton

Q. Why?

A. The main reason I will be voting for Clinton is that I cannot vote for George Bush. His stand on abortion, the fact that he is totally disconnected from the realities of the American middle and lower classes, and the fact that I am not better off now than I was four years ago precludes me from choosing Bush. Also, I think that Ross Perot has no integrity, so he’s not a viable choice. Since I firmly believe that every American citizen has a moral duty to vote, that leaves me with Bill Clinton.

Q. What are the main issues for your business?

A. As a small business owner, I am appalled by the difficulties that exist with doing business in California. Workers’ compensation is out of control--we have never had a claim and yet our premiums increase yearly. Business taxes, insurance, health care costs are all issues that need to be dealt with in Sacramento as well as in Washington.

Q. What needs to be done to right the economy?

A. The immediate need is for the creation of jobs. As a technical recruiter for computer professionals, I see the despair and pessimism of people with good skills and who have been laid off and can’t find work. Longer term, educating our children for the next century needs to be a priority or we will find ourselves in the same situation again. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, then, as someone much wiser than I said, we are doomed to repeat them.
