
BURBANK : Council to Vote on Disney Studio Expansion Plans

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The Burbank City Council is scheduled to vote tonight on a $600-million expansion of the Walt Disney Studios--the biggest land-use decision the council will probably make this year.

Although the generally pro-development council is expected to approve some form of expansion, the city may seek measures to amend the plan to make it more palatable to nearby homeowners.

“I feel pretty confident that we will approve some expansion,” said Councilman George Battey. “It’s pretty critical for Burbank. It’s a council goal to revitalize this economic base of our community.”


The city, after losing several thousand aerospace jobs, wants to please entertainment companies, which are seen as the city’s future. The proposed Disney expansion would add an estimated 1.9 million square feet of facilities, including offices, sound stages, studios, warehouses, cafeterias and a child-care center.

All new construction would be within the boundaries of Disney’s 44-acre property, which is bordered by Alameda Avenue on the north, Buena Vista Street on the west, the Ventura Freeway on the south and Keystone Street on the east.
