
GOP’s ‘Dirty Trick’

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The recent speculation by President Bush and Congressman (Robert K.) Dornan that Gov. Clinton might be some kind of anti-American KGB agent because Clinton traveled to the Soviet Union during his tour of Europe is just too outrageous for words.

This latest dirty trick by the Bush camp just has to backfire in a way that will send a message to the entire Republican Party that they will never forget. I hope this message is sent on Nov. 3 when the Republicans lose at the polls on a scale that will be written about in political history books.

I think that Gov. Clinton has behaved well under these outrageous accusations. I don’t think that I would have been able to remain so civil. I hope that the Republicans lose every seat they hold in the House of Representatives.


The way that the Republicans have treated women’s right to choose, gay and AIDS issues, and a host of many national problems has proven that the Republican Party of the far religious right does not deserve to be kept in power anymore.


Santa Ana
