
Bush on Clinton’s Trip to Moscow

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Regarding Dornan’s column: I was stunned by the letter written by Maj. Sullivan Ballou when I first heard it read. My impression was “here is a true American.” This man was willing to die in a fight to uphold his country and his government. Ballou felt that he owed something to those who died in the American Revolution. We still owe our lives to them.

Clinton took every chance to avoid helping and supporting his country in time of need. Now our country is again in desperate need of help. Can we believe Clinton when he criticizes others for turning their backs on America? Can we believe him when he says that now he will do everything he can to support America?

Politics has so warped many public servants like Clinton that now, as Dornan so ably pointed out, they care more about what they can do for themselves and less about what they can do for their country.



Los Angeles
