
Titans’ Return to Practice, Will Play

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Given the choice of playing football or protesting and losing scholarships, Cal State Fullerton’s football team returned to practice en masse Tuesday, apparently ending a threat to boycott Saturday’s game at Southwestern Louisiana.

Players were given the ultimatum by coaches Monday night after a series of meetings concerning the program’s future with school President Milton A. Gordon and Athletic Director Bill Shumard.

Administrators assured players that their scholarships would be honored for the duration of their eligibility, regardless of whether the program was dropped to Division I-AA or dropped altogether.


Players pressed administrators to make a decision about the direction of the program, but Gordon said that won’t come until the end of the season.

“We, in good faith, have done all we can do to meet their concerns, but they’re seeking assurances (to keep the program at Division I-A) that can’t be met at this time,” Shumard said. “Hopefully we can turn the corner, put this behind us and play football.”

In other news, Southwestern Louisiana announced that six players, including three tentative starters, had been suspended for the Fullerton game for violation of team rules.


The three projected starters--quarterback James Freeman, cornerback Donald Collins and linebacker Terrance Ross--will not be in uniform Saturday, said Nelson Stokley, Southwestern Louisiana athletic director and football coach.

Among the reserves suspended were wide receiver Jessie Moore, tight end Craig Wilkes and defensive lineman Clifton Sylvester.
