
NEWPORT BEACH : Firms Must Help Pay for Sidewalk Repairs

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The City Council has decided to force four businesses along a small stretch of 62nd Street to pay for their share of sidewalk repairs.

Public Works Director Benjamin B. Nolan said the businesses received notice about two weeks ago informing them that they will have to pay for the work in front of their property when the city makes about $30,000 in street improvements. The businesses will have to pay about $8,800 of that sum, Nolan said.

Three of the four businesses on 62nd Street between Coast Highway and Newport Shores Drive have protested. City officials have not heard from the fourth property owner.


When first informed about the West Newport reconstruction project, city officials “never mentioned that any property owners would (possibly face a lien) or be taxed or anything,” said Mike Hoskinson, owner of the Spaghetti Bender Restaurant. “I don’t like being their deep pocket for building their roads.”

Hoskinson said his business paid the city $10,000 in sales taxes last year and shouldn’t have to pay for the street improvements. He urged council members Monday night to reconsider their action, to no avail. The council voted unanimously to bill the businesses their share of the improvements.

Nolan said the construction is necessary because the pavement is deteriorating, there are no curbs and sidewalks and drainage problems persist.


The street repairs will most likely begin within three months, Nolan said. He added that the city and property owners may work out a deal so that the property owners can pay their share over a few years.
