
Santa Ana City Races

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Eleven candidates are running for three seats on the Santa Ana City Council, and two candidates are vying for the mayor’s post in the Nov. 3 election.


John Acosta

Age: 58.

Occupation: Construction estimator.

Background: City councilman since 1981; former chairman of the Planning Commission; former member of the Chamber of Commerce; served on California Commission on Aging in 1983.

Issues: Would seek to attract new businesses and jobs; proposes expanded anti-gang programs; advocates neighborhood refurbishment programs; advocates use of money given to Chamber of Commerce to fund youth outreach programs; insists that city trash contract be put out to bid.


Daniel H. Young

Age: 41.

Occupation: Real estate developer.

Background: Elected to council in 1983; mayor since 1986; current member of county Transportation Authority Board of Directors; current member of Metropolitan Water District Board of Directors.

Issues: Supports continuing crackdown on gang and crime problems; advocates hiring additional police and improving code enforcement; contends that city trash contract should go out to bid.


Henry Le

Age: 39.

Occupation: Businessman.

Background: Veteran of the South Vietnam air force; lieutenant commander in U.S. Navy reserve; chairman of Vietnamese-American Republican Heritage Council of Orange County; founder of the Vietnamese Crime Prevention Committee of Orange County.


Issues: Advocates hiring more police officers; supports expanded teen-age and neighborhood watch programs to combat gangs and drugs; proposes reducing regulation of businesses and the size of local government.

Glenn Mondo

Age: 33.

Occupation: Attorney.

Background: Member of Planning Commission since 1990; former member of Government Affairs Committee of Chamber of Commerce; served on Mayor’s Task Force on Transportation in 1989; served on City Charter Review Committee in 1990.

Issues: Advocates more police officers; wants to develop job opportunities and promote responsible business growth; proposes using the city’s cultural assets to draw visitors and spur economic growth; would consider putting trash contract out to bid.


Ted R. Moreno

Age: 25.

Occupation: Business consultant.

Background: Served as student trustee at Rancho Santiago College for one year; served as student body president at Rancho Santiago College and Santa Ana High School.

Issues: Proposes streamlining business permit process; would seek to lure companies and jobs to area; favors putting trash contract out to bid; proposes enhancing recreation, anti-gang and anti-drug programs.


Gordon Bricken

Age: 55.

Occupation: Acoustical engineer; business owner.

Background: On Santa Ana City Council from 1974 to 1984; mayor from 1981 to 1983; served for 10 years on Planning Commission and two years on Redevelopment Commission.

Issues: Would seek to end bickering among council members; sees no “magic answers” to gang and crime problems but would work to reduce them; would ensure that city workers do not cut trees along streets indiscriminately.

Lisa Mills

Age: 36.

Occupation: Director of planning and development for county Transportation Authority.

Background: Member of Planning Commission since 1989; former chairman of city Redevelopment Commission.

Issues: Supports adding police and building a permanent jail; would encourage residents to become more active in protecting neighborhoods; proposes streamlining business approval process to attract companies and jobs; supports competitive bidding for trash contract.


John Michael Patterson

Age: 32.

Occupation: Contractor.

Background: Not available.

Issues: Not available.

Fran M. Williams

Age: 50.

Occupation: Diversity specialist at Rancho Santiago College.

Background: Doctorate in higher education from Nova University, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; current vice chair of county Human Relations Commission.

Issues: Proposes new after-school recreation and education programs; would promote and attract small businesses; favors bidding for trash contract; supports efforts to reduce overcrowding and improve code enforcement, possibly by hiring more officers.


Zeke Hernandez

Age: 46.

Occupation: Businessman.

Background: State director for the League of United Latin American Citizens; former Santa Ana Housing Advisory Board member; former member of county Human Relations Commission; former president of the Downtown Santa Ana Business Assn.

Issues: Would target wasteful spending; would streamline business permit process; opposes city funding of Chamber of Commerce; favors using city redevelopment funds to help rebuild schools and pay teachers.

Thomas E. Lutz

Age: 48.

Occupation: Business owner; general contractor.

Background: Former Washington Square Neighborhood Assn. president; member of Uniform Code of Appeals Board since 1990.

Issues: Favors more police and improved code enforcement; supports using cultural strengths of city to attract visitors and businesses; would consider competitive bidding for trash contract; wants to expedite new business permits.


Sean H. Mill

Age: 26.

Occupation: Title service representative.

Background: Former member of Parks and Recreation Commission; member of Community Development Block Grant Funding Committee for 1990; community activist.

Issues: Blames current “lack of leadership” for crime, overcrowding and traffic; wants more police officers; supports competitive bidding for trash contract.

Harry K. Yamamoto

Age: 69.

Occupation: Retired.

Background: Santa Ana councilman from 1970 to 1981; former member of Orange County Criminal Justice Council; Sanitation Board director for four years.

Issues: Opposes new taxes; would seek to reduce crime, possibly by adding more police officers; opposes city funding of Chamber of Commerce.
