
CHESS RESULTS : Fischer, Spassky Draw in 84 Moves

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After nearly nine hours of play and several missed opportunities, Bobby Fischer had to settle for a draw Wednesday at 84 moves in the 19th--and longest--game of his rematch with Boris Spassky.

The score is 7-3 in Fischer’s favor, with nine draws. The 20th game is scheduled today. The match will go on until one wins 10 games. Wednesday’s moves below:

Fischer-Spassky 19: 1 e4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6

3 Nge2 e5 4 Nd5 Nge7 5 Nec3 Nxd5 6 Nxd5 Be7

7 g3 d6 8 Bg2 h5 9 h4 Be6 10 d3 Bxd5

11 exd5 Nb8 12 f4 Nd7 13 0-0 g6 14 Rb1 f5

15 b4 b6 16 bxc5 bxc5 17 c4 0-0 18 Qa4 Bf6

19 Rb7 Nb6 20 Qb5 Rf7 21 Rxf7 Kxf7 22 Bd2 Rb8 23 Qc6 Nc8 24 Re1 Ne7 25 Qa4 Qc7 26 Kh2 exf4 27 Bxf4 Be5 28 Re2 Rb6 29 Kh3 Ng8 30 Rxe5 dxe5 31 Bxe5 Qe7 32 d6 Rxd6 33 Bxd6 Qxd6


34 Bd5+ Kf8 35 Qxa7 Ne7 36 Qa8+ Kg7

37 Qb7 Kf8 38 a4 f4 39 a5 fxg3 40 a6 Qf4

41 Bf3 Nf5 42 Qe4 g2 43 Qxf4 g1Q 44 Be4 Qa1 45 a7 Qxa7 46 Bxf5 gxf5 47 Qxf5+ Kg7

48 Qg5+ Kf8 49 Qh6+ Kg8 50 Qxh5 Qc7

51 Qg6+ Kh8 52 Qf6+ Kg8 53 Qe6+ Kh8

54 Qd5 Qf7 55 Kg2 Qg6+ 56 Kh3 Qf7

57 Qe5+ Kh7 58 Kg4 Qg6+ 59 Kf4 Qh6+

60 Kf3 Qg6 61 Qe4 Kh8 62 Ke2 Qd6 63 Qe3 Qh2+ 64 Kd1 Qh1+ 65 Kd2 Qh2+ 66 Kc3 Qxh4

67 d4 Kh7 68 d5 Qf6+ 69 Kc2 Qd6 70 Qg5 Kh8

71 Kd2 Qb6 72 Qe5+ Kg8 73 Qe8+ Kg7

74 Qb5 Qc7 75 Kc2 Kf8 76 Qa6 Qh2+

77 Kb3 Qb8+ 78 Qb5 Qc7 79 Ka3 Qa7+

80 Kb3 Ke7 81 Kc2 Kd8 82 Kd2 Qc7 83 Qa6 Qf4+ 84 Kc2 Qe4+, Drawn.
