
U.S., Russia May Pool Spy Services

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Russia and the United States, who locked horns for 40 years in the Cold War, may pool some intelligence services in a new era of cooperation, the U.S. Embassy here said Sunday.

“Possibilities of contact and joint activity between the Russian and American intelligence services were discussed,” the embassy said in a statement released after a historic visit to Moscow by CIA Director Robert M. Gates.

The former foes could work together in fields such as nuclear non-proliferation and efforts against terrorism, drug smuggling and organized crime, the embassy said.


The CIA chief met with Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin and Yevgeny M. Primakov, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, among others. Primakov raised eyebrows at home two weeks ago when he offered to stop espionage operations against any country that pledged to stop spying on Russia.
