
PORT HUENEME : More Bananas to Pass Through Port

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Port of Hueneme Harbor District authorities and Turbana Corp., one of the nation’s largest banana importers, have struck a deal that will bring bananas and jobs to the port.

“We are very pleased with the deal,” said Anthony Taormina, the port’s executive director. “This will have a definite economic impact.”

Turbana, based in Coral Gables, Fla., has used the port in the past to unload bananas. Four years ago, Turbana left the port and began unloading bananas at the Port of Los Angeles, Taormina said.


The harbor district stayed in contact with the shipping company, and within two years they were again unloading bananas at the port, Taormina said. However, they have relied on shipping vessels owned by Del Monte, a competitor.

Starting in November, Turbana will begin unloading cargo from its own ships. Plans call for the firm to make 50 calls a year to the port at roughly $5,000 per call. “Currently, Turbana is unloading 35,000 cartons per call to the port,” Taormina said. “When they begin using their own vessels, they will double that volume.”

By early 1993, the harbor district hopes to have a contract worked out with the company, Taormina said.
