
Oregon’s Measure 9

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In response to “A Matter of Sin and Acceptance,” Commentary, Oct. 15:

Don Baker’s comments regarding gay rights reminds me of what it must have been like when it was discovered that the world was round. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the “flat earthers” persisted in their illogical position.

As an out-of-the-closet gay person, I can tell you that we no longer care what the Don Bakers of the world think of us. We are healthy, productive people, and we have abundant scientific evidence to prove it. We deserve equal rights, and we will fight to get them. And the more we are bashed, the stronger we will become.

In my opinion, the problem is not the increasing visibility of the gay and lesbian population, but how the heterosexual population is going to deal with this visibility.



Founder, Project 10

Los Angeles Unified School District
