
Presidential Campaign

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As I reflect upon the presidential debates, I wonder if the candidates have us (the voters) figured out better than we may realize. Much of the commentary surrounding the debates has been centered around all of the “mudslinging.” It has been centered around all of the childish bickering that has been going on between the candidates. However, would the candidates be utilizing these underhanded tactics if they didn’t work? I doubt it.

We Americans love a good show. Because of our busy schedules and fast-paced lifestyles, we vote with our emotions and not our minds, unfortunate as this is. Although we publicly deny it, we seem to like the name-calling and the character assassinations that are perpetrated upon one another by the very people who should be leading this nation. It keeps us interested. However, if we really want the dirty politics to stop, we must let our elected officials know that these tactics don’t work. For right now, these strategies do work. Dirty politics have been and probably always will be part of the American political scene, like it or not.


