
CHESS RESULTS : Fischer and Spassky Play to 14th Draw

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Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky agreed to a 35-move draw Sunday in the 28th game of their $5-million chess match in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Fischer, who needs one more win to end the match, leads, 9-5, with 14 draws. Spassky can no longer win the match, but he will earn $2.5 million if he wins four games and ties the match at 9-9. If Fischer wins one more game, he will receive the winner’s share of $3.35 million.

In Sunday’s game, Fischer used a different 10th move to try to rehabilitate the variation of the King’s Indian Defense with which he lost Game 12. Spassky kept a small advantage, but he did not press hard for the win.


The next game is scheduled for Wednesday. The moves of Sunday’s game follow.

Spassky-Fischer 28: 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6

3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3 0-0 6 Be3 Nc6

7 Nge2 a6 8 h4 h5 9 Nc1 e5 10 d5 Nd4

11 Nb3 Nxb3 12 Qxb3 Kh7 13 Be2 Bh6

14 Bxh6 Kxh6 15 0-0-0 Kg7 16 Kb1 Qe7

17 Rdg1 Rh8 18 g4 hxg4 19 fxg4 Nd7

20 g5 Nc5 21 Qd1 a5 22 Rf1 Bd7

23 Qe1 Rh7 24 Qg3 Rf8 25 Rf6 Rfh8

26 b3 Be8 27 Bg4 Bd7 28 Bd1 Be8

29 Bg4 Bd7 30 Bd1 Be8 31 Rf2 c6

32 a4 Qd8 33 Ka2 Qe7 34 Bg4 Bd7

35 Bd1 Be8, Drawn.
