
PORT HUENEME : Deficit Jeopardizes Police Department

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Port Hueneme’s city manager on Wednesday outlined sweeping cuts the tiny city may have to make to deal with a looming $1-million deficit, including closing the Police Department and contracting for law enforcement with the Sheriff’s Department.

City Manager Dick Velthoen said the council must begin planning for reductions in city revenues that will force the city to cut $1 million from its $7.7-million general fund budget within two years.

“It’s not business as usual any more,” Velthoen said.

The city has experienced a decline in sales tax and other revenues because of the continuing recession, Velthoen told the City Council.


The economy is not expected to improve for at least a year, and Port Hueneme may have some of its funds raided by the state Legislature during budget sessions next year, he predicted.

Velthoen outlined a number of ways the city can cut costs to save money.

Contracting with the Sheriff’s Department for police service would save about $200,000 a year, he said.

Other suggestions for cuts include reducing recreational and cultural programs, freezing salaries and laying off city employees, he said.


City staff is expected to make specific recommendations at the council’s Nov. 18 meeting, he said.

Velthoen suggested that the city notify about 25 municipal maintenance and clerical workers after that meeting that they could be laid off to deal with the budget crisis.
