
Vote Forces Educator Out of Job : Schools: Board president will have to vacate her post because her Agua Dulce residence falls outside Antelope Valley district’s boundaries.

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When the communities of Acton and Agua Dulce voted Tuesday to add a high school to their elementary school district, they inadvertently made the president of the Antelope Valley Union High School District Board ineligible to serve in her present job.

Sophia Waugh will have to vacate her post on the financially troubled high school board because her Agua Dulce residence will no longer be within the Antelope Valley district’s boundaries, as required by law, the Los Angeles County Office of Education said Friday.

It was not clear whether Waugh will have to leave her seat before her term expires in November, 1993. “I’m going to stay until someone says I have to leave,” Waugh said Friday. She said she does not plan to move from Agua Dulce to remain eligible.


County education office officials are looking at the education code and expect to make a decision next week on when Waugh’s seat becomes vacant and how it should be filled.

“We don’t know what we’re going to do,” said Matt Spies, business services coordinator for the education office. “We’ve only had one other unification occur in the last 20 years and this is the first time we’ve had this situation arise.”

Residents of the Soledad-Agua Dulce Union School District voted 3 to 1 to separate from the high school district, largely to save children long bus rides to two high school campuses in Palmdale. The separation will occur on July 1.


At least one other change on the five-member Antelope Valley high school district board is expected following Trustee Steve Landaker’s announcement that he will not seek reelection because he is frustrated with what he contends are rash decisions made by his board colleagues.

Landaker’s four-year term also expires in November, 1993, as does the term of Trustee Charles Whiteside, who won his seat in 1991. Whiteside could not be reached for comment on Friday.

The Antelope Valley Union High School District has been struggling this year with a $12-million budget shortfall and has laid off 140 employees.


Landaker, who occasionally cast the sole dissenting vote on board decisions, said Friday that the district’s financial woes were not a factor in his decision not to seek reelection.

“The financial problems create a lot of stress, but they should be able to be worked through,” Landaker said. “I feel I’ve let the community down because I haven’t been able to persuade my colleagues to listen to the issues--it’s frustrating.”
