
Sharing the Cooking

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Your article on the dinner co-op (“Dinner on Your Doorstep,” Sept. 3) was so inspiring that some of us at our children’s nursery school have started our own co-op.

It has turned out to be a wonderful experience. There are three families involved for a total of 12 people. It is great to have these wonderful dinners delivered; it’s fun to get to try out new recipes for more than just your own family; we all get a great feeling being able to do something so totally nice for each other.

We all deliver enough food to be able to have one or two additional meals from the leftovers. Even though we all love to cook, this has been a great added benefit. Additionally, we’ve all noticed that the co-op appears to be a very economical system. No more leftover, unused half cartons of sour cream!

Thanks for the great idea.

--Sierra Madre Dinner Co-Op
