
Councilman Loses Suit, Must Pay City $30,000

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Councilman Richards L. Norton, whose lawsuit against the city for shutting down his weekend swap meet was thrown out by a judge last month, was ordered to pay more than $30,000 in back fees plus interest to the city.

The ruling by Selim S. Franklin, assigned judge of the Superior Court, stems from Norton’s lawsuit filed in 1987, before he won election to the City Council. At the time, Norton was swap meet operator for weekend swap meets at Santa Ana Stadium.

“The city is very pleased with Judge Franklin’s decision. We feel it represents a fair disposition of the issues between the parties,” said Robert J. Wheeler, assistant city attorney.


Norton could not be reached for comment.

Norton sued the city, seeking $1.8 million in damages, after the City Council closed the swap meet in 1987 citing neighborhood complaints of litter, parking problems and noise. The city countersued, charging that Norton owed a share of two days’ swap meet revenue to help pay for city services, including police protection.

Wheeler said judgment for the city was $21,092 plus interest since Oct. 10, 1987, bringing the total to more than $30,000. The judgment was dated Nov. 5.

City Manager David N. Ream said the countersuit had focused on the back fees that Norton owed the city, and not on the closing of the swap meet.
