

Random slang of motorcycle racers:

cherry picking v . when an expert rider enters a lower-division race to score an easy win. “He went out there to go cherry picking but wasn’t even in the hunt.”

gap v . to pull ahead of another rider. “You were gapping him down the back straightaway.”

hook up v . to get traction. “It was hooking up real good until the rear tire went off.” Syn. bite.

in the hunt to be a strong contender. “He’ll be in the hunt if he doesn’t throw it away.”

motor v . to outpower another rider. “He motored me out of the turns.”

overcook v . to go too fast. “He overcooked it going into turn three and lost it.”

puke v . to blow up an engine. “I was just pulling out of his draft when the motor puked.

squid n. an unskilled rider who rides too fast. “If you take the Angeles Crest Highway, watch out for the squid.

thrash v . to crash. “I lost the front end and thrashed it bad.”

traffic n . groups of slower riders. “He got away from me going through traffic.

under the paint: tucking close to the motorcycle’s gas tank to reduce wind resistance. “She really got under the paint to take those curves.”
