
Republicans and Religious Right

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Did the “religious right” lose the election for the GOP? On the contrary, the GOP has dealt a damaging blow to the religious right! The moral flagship of the Republican Party since its inception, the religious faction was misused by the Administration and misrepresented by the media culture. The “fanatical religious wing” are only buzzwords created by the liberals and the media aimed at discrediting the growing movement. Bruce Herschensohn was an unabashed champion of the right, and George Will highly praised the candidate. Is Will a religious fanatic or one of the most respected conservative thinkers in the nation?

The area in which the GOP lost touch that proved detrimental was simply that of political strategy. In the face of the onslaught of half-truths and out-and-out lies regarding the economy and the overall state of the nation, the Republican Party should have taken the offensive immediately, standing up for their record and exposing the distortions. Instead and in an untimely manner, the Bush Administration chose the defensive.

The problems within the GOP are not its embrace of the religious right, but its failure to properly identify and uphold it, and subsequently itself as a party.



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