
Artesia : Meeting Aims to Mend Rift Between Latinos, Blacks

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A meeting to bring together the African-American and Latino communities will be hosted by the NAACP at 7 tonight in the council chamber at City Hall, 205 S. Willowbrook Ave.

The town hall meeting, which will feature a panel of 12 Latino and black community leaders, is an attempt to help repair the strained relationship between the two groups, said Royce Esters, president of Compton’s chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Nov. 22, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday November 22, 1992 Home Edition Long Beach Part J Page 3 Column 1 Zones Desk 2 inches; 41 words Type of Material: Correction
Town hall meeting--The NAACP’s Compton chapter organized a meeting of Latino and African-American residents Thursday to try to ease strained relations between the two groups in Compton. A digest story in Thursday’s editions of The Times listed the meeting under the name of another city.

Among the panel guests will be Assemblyman Willard H. Murray Jr. (D-Compton), Superior Court Judge Rudolph Diaz, acting Police Chief Hourie Taylor and community activist Lorraine Cervantes.
