
Who Do Spokespersons for Land Annexations Represent?

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I read the article about unincorporated areas annexing to adjoining cities and am writing in regard to the statements made concerning North Tustin.

The focus of the story is on the financial problems of the County of Orange, but it does not mention the financial problems of the cities of Tustin and Orange, which are at least as severe and probably greater.

The story does not mention that Tustin and Orange have already cut services, and there is serious question whether their services are comparable to county services.


The story quotes Phyllis Spivey as being a spokesperson for North Tustin. Ms. Spivey is the voice of the city of Tustin, not North Tustin. Ms. Spivey is a city of Tustin commercial realtor who has long taken positions contrary to the residents of North Tustin.

The proposal to incorporate North Tustin was rejected by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), an appointed not elected agency, and not by the people of North Tustin.

The story mentions the vote on a proposal to annex a small portion of North Tustin to the city of Orange ending in a tie vote of 15-15 (subject to uncounted absentee ballots) as showing residents have an ambiguous view of annexation. This annexation proposal was the smallest of those initiated by the city of Orange at the same time last year. The other two were easily defeated by protest petition earlier this year.


Also, note that LAFCO rejected three proposed Tustin annexations, presumably on the basis that they would meet certain defeat as so many others have. They were not well-supported in the first place, and there was considerable, organized opposition to these proposals.


