
* Sunnie Mann; Author, Wife of Former British Hostage

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Sunnie Mann, 78, who wrote a book and several articles about her experience as the wife of former British hostage Jack Mann. Mann, a World War II fighter pilot and later a pilot with Middle East Airlines, was held hostage in Lebanon for more than two years by Islamic extremists. He was kidnaped in West Beirut on May 12, 1989, and his abductors demanded the release of unspecified comrades held in London for the 1987 killing of Palestinian cartoonist Ali Naji al-Adhami. Scotland Yard said no one was held for that slaying. Mann was freed by the Revolutionary Justice Organization 28 months later in response to Israel’s release of 51 Shiite Muslim prisoners and the return of the bodies of nine Lebanese guerrillas. The Manns settled in Nicosia soon after his release. Mrs. Mann, who led an international crusade to free her husband, called her book “Yours to the End.” In Nicosia on Monday of lung cancer.
