
The Identifying Signs of Possible Mistreatment

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* Physical abuse: violence that may result in pain or injury. Signs include unexplained injuries or inconsistent explanation involving bruises, welts, cuts, fractures, burns or other problems.

* Physical neglect: failure of the care giver to provide necessary services, such as withholding adequate nutrition or failing to provide physical aids like eyeglasses, hearing aids or false teeth. Signs include dehydration, malnutrition, ulcers, poor hygiene or lack of compliance with medical regimens.

* Psychological abuse: conduct that causes mental anguish, like verbal harassment, threats of punishment or isolation. Signs include extreme withdrawal, depression or agitation, infantile behavior or ambivalent feelings expressed toward care givers.


* Psychological neglect: the failure to provide social stimulation, as when a dependent older person is left alone for long periods of time or is ignored or given the “silent treatment.” Signs include extreme withdrawal, depression or agitation, infantile behavior or ambivalent feelings expressed toward care givers.

* Financial abuse or neglect: misuse of the older person’s income or resources or the failure to use available funds and resources necessary to the health and well-being of the older adult. Signs include substandard care in the home despite adequate financial resources, confusion by patient about his financial situation or sudden transfers of funds.

* Violations of personal rights: ignoring older persons’ rights and capability to make their own decisions, especially about such private matters as health care or living arrangements. Signs include reports by the patients or observations of interactions with care giver.
