
Text of Statement by President-Elect

Here is the text of President-elect Bill Clinton’s statement Friday on Operation Restore Hope:

Last night, the United Nations took an important step toward easing the suffering of the people of Somalia. By unanimously voting to use all necessary means to establish a secure environment for humanitarian relief operations in Somalia, the international community showed that it will not stand idly by while armed bandits force starvation on millions of people who have become pawns in a political struggle for power.

And today, President Bush has demonstrated that the American people will do their part to help bring this tragic suffering to an end. I support President Bush’s decision to dedicate United States forces in support of the United Nations’ clearly defined humanitarian mission. The impediments to delivery of relief supplies and particularly looting of life-saving food supplies simply must not be allowed to continue. The mandate our armed forces and our partners in the coalition will fulfill is to create a secure environment to save lives, and I commend President Bush for his leadership on this important humanitarian effort.


I have been kept informed of the Administration’s actions and was briefed on the President’s decision this morning to provide U.S. forces. I share his determination to ensure the success of this important mission and will continue to follow this important international effort closely.

Let me also say a word to the men and women of the armed forces who may be spending the upcoming holiday season far from home. America stands with you and supports your important mission. You are making us proud and may God bless you.
