
‘Life in the Age of Clinton’

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Rockwell thinks he is describing the horrors of the Clinton era yet to come. Instead, he’s eulogizing the horrors of the Reagan/Bush years just ending.

He says health care will be rationed because we’ll have fully socialized medicine. Since about 40 million Americans now have no insurance and no way, short of an emergency room, to see a doctor, I’d say Reagan and Bush have already rationed health care very nicely.

Rockwell is offended that teen-agers will be pressured and drafted into “national service.” I wonder how offended he and other right-wingers were when teen-agers of the past were drafted and then sent to Korea and Vietnam.


I guess what Rockwell and his right-wingers don’t understand and maybe never will understand is that, if the “haves” of society had started out acting responsibly (with care and consideration) toward the “have-nots,” the government would not have had to step in and make laws that force them to act responsibly, with decent wages, reasonably priced health care and other benefits the “haves” take for granted because they’ve always “had.”


West Hollywood
