
Assembly Opens With Resolution for ERA

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Times Staff Writer

A resolution to put California on record in support of the introduction and passage of a federal equal rights amendment was submitted on the opening day of the 1993 Assembly session.

The ERA was passed by Congress in 1972 and submitted to state legislatures for ratification. California ratified the amendment, but it ultimately fell three short of the 38 states, or three-fourths vote, required for it to become part of the U.S. Constitution.

“This is a basic bread-and-butter issue for many women,” said Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-S. San Francisco), the author of the measure (AJR 1). “What is at stake here is economic equity for women.”



Bill Introductions

Split State: AB 3 by Assemblyman Stan Statham (R-Oak Run) would ask the voters to decide if they think that California is too big and they want it split into three separate states.

Carjacking: AB 6 by Assemblyman John Burton (D-San Francisco) would make carjacking punishable by imprisonment for three, four or six years.

Smoking Ban: AB 13 by Assemblyman Terry Friedman (D-Los Angeles) would prohibit employers from permitting employees to smoke anywhere in an enclosed workplace area.


Workers’ Compensation: AB 9 by Assemblyman Richard Mountjoy (R-Arcadia) would revamp the state workers’ compensation system, tightening requirements for collecting benefits.

State Audits: AB 5 by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) would establish a Bureau of State Audits within the independent Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy, better known as the Little Hoover Commission. The auditor general’s office fell victim to spending cuts imposed by voter approval of Proposition 140 in 1990.

Body Armor: AB 30 by Assemblyman Gil Ferguson (R-Newport Beach) would allow judges to add five years to the prison terms of people convicted of robbery while wearing body armor.


Election Costs: AB 37 by Assemblyman Ross Johnson (R-Fullerton) would require the state, instead of counties, to pick up the tab for special elections to fill legislative or congressional vacancies.

African-American Males: AJR 2 by Assemblywoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) would establish a Commission on African-American Males appointed by the Assembly and Senate to make annual recommendations to the Legislature.

Recycled Products: AB 11 by Assemblywoman Delaine Eastin (D-Fremont) would increase the state’s use of recycled paper and other recycled products.

Fiscal Affairs: ACA 2 by Assembly Tom Hannigan (D-Fairfield) would allow the Legislature to approve appropriations by a majority rather than a two-thirds vote.

Tax Collections: AB 15 by Assemblyman Johan Klehs (D-San Leandro) would abolish the Franchise Tax Board and transfer its powers to the State Board of Equalization.


Bill Introductions

Auditor General: SB 37 by Sen. Ken Maddy (R-Fresno) would create an Office of the Auditor General within state government under the Little Hoover Commission and redefine its duties.


School Taxes: SB 1 by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) would allow local school taxes to be raised by a majority rather than a two-thirds vote.

Term Limits: SB 2 by Sen. Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco) would authorize imposing term limits on members of local governing bodies if the voters agreed.

Budget Process: SCA 1 by Sen. Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco) would require the governor and members of the Legislature to forfeit their paychecks and their expense money if the June 15 budget passage deadline were not met and remain unpaid until approval of a state spending plan.

More Budget Process: SB 16 by Sen. Lucy Killea (I-San Diego) would establish a constitutional revision commission to submit a report to the governor and Legislature with recommendations on how to improve the state budget process.

Open Meetings: SB 36 by Sen. Quentin Kopp (I-San Francisco) would strengthen provisions of the open meetings act that regulates the conduct of local governmental bodies.
