
Clintons’ Visit to Summerland

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Hayden is critical of our newly elected President for accepting the hospitality of the Thomason family after winning a hard-fought campaign for the presidency.

His assertion that President-elect Clinton has forsaken his populist role and philosophy is absurd and somewhat ironic considering the source.

There have been numerous press reports of the substantial settlements received by Hayden from his former wife, Jane Fonda, estimated to exceed several million dollars.


I have yet to read of any substantial contributions by our newly elected state senator to any worthwhile populist causes such as aid to the homeless or AIDS victims.

As an active Democrat I am pleased that Hayden was elected to the state Senate and now feel he should devote his considerable legislative skills to working to improve our severely damaged economy.

During the campaign, I had the pleasure of meeting our President-elect. I told Gov. Clinton not to worry about California as we would carry the state for him with a comfortable margin and also send two new Democratic senators to support his programs. He responded, “I hope you’re right, Tom. I really like California and if I’m elected, I want to do everything in my power to help your state overcome its severe economic problems.”


As President Bush preferred to spend his recreational time on a golf course in Kennebunkport, I am personally delighted that his outstanding successor finds our wonderful beaches so enticing and I feel we should welcome him with open arms.


Newport Beach
