
OXNARD : ‘Blessed’ Kitchen Window in Storage

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The blurry kitchen window that many believe bore a heaven-sent silhouette of the Virgin Mary has been put into storage at an undisclosed location.

William R. Derrick and Associates, managers of the south Oxnard apartment where the image was first discovered Monday, reclaimed the pane of glass Friday morning.

“We didn’t want anyone selling it or profiting from the incident,” said property manager Iris Wilson. “It’s time for this to stop. It serves no purpose to have this continue.”


Hundreds of believers and curious alike flocked to the modest neighborhood where the image was seen. The property managers ordered the window removed from the apartment after someone shot into the crowd Tuesday night, slightly injuring two people.

The owner of the Oxnard glass shop that removed the window put it on display and offered to sell it to the highest bidder.

Shop owner Bill Rizzie said he received a $200 offer for the piece of glass, angering residents who believed that Rizzie planned to profit from a blessed event. Rizzie said Friday he planned all along to donate the money to a church.


“I don’t want no more of this,” Rizzie said. “I’m not going to be the bad guy no more.”

Wilson said the kitchen window will remain hidden indefinitely.
