
Less for Your Dollar in Tokyo

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Three of the most expensive cities for people who pay in dollars are in the Pacific Rim, according to a survey by a Geneva-based private consultancy. The survey of 99 cities is published twice a year by Corporate Resources Group. It is based on 151 products, including food, clothing and transport, but not accommodations. The survey was updated to reflect price and currency changes as of Dec. 7. New York is used as a base of 100; in the latest ranking, it comes in 44th. 1 Tokyo, Japan 2 Osaka, Japan 3 Libreville, Gabon 4 Brazzaville, Congo 5 Oslo, Norway 6 Dakar, Senegal 7 Taipei, Taiwan 8 Douala, Cameroon 8 Copenhagen, Denmark 10 Abidjan, Ivory Coast
