
Ex-Charity Head Denies Embezzling

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In a brief appearance in Harbor Municipal Court here, Clyde E. Weinman on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to charges that he embezzled $81,000 from an Irvine charity for the homeless.

Meantime, Deputy Dist. Atty. Daniel McNerney said the amount of money allegedly stolen by Weinman could climb to $281,000.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 17, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday December 17, 1992 Orange County Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Column 2 Metro Desk 2 inches; 52 words Type of Material: Correction
Daniel McNerney--In an article Wednesday about accused embezzler Clyde E. Weinman, former executive director of Irvine Temporary Housing, Deputy Dist. Atty. Daniel McNerney’s name was inadvertently transposed with the suspect’s. The paragraph should have said that Weinman is accused of diverting $81,000 for his personal use. McNerney is the prosecutor on the case.

Weinman allegedly embezzled the money while serving as executive director of Irvine Temporary Housing. He was fired from that job in June, when allegations first surfaced. He was arrested Nov. 17.


Weinman is accused of diverting money for his own use by forging signatures on Irvine Temporary Housing checks. The district attorney’s office has charged him with forging about 600 checks totaling $450,000.

In an interview, McNerney said about $150,000 of the $450,000 was used to pay legitimate bills for Irvine Temporary Housing. McNerney said another $81,000 in forged checks was diverted by McNerney for his personal use.

“That leaves about $200,000 that is not accounted for, and so the amount of money he (Weinman) is accused of taking could be increased,” McNerney said.


Weinman, 43, of Lake Forest, is free on $25,000 bond. During his appearance in court, he looked solemn. He said nothing except to answer yes-or-no questions from Judge Susanne S. Shaw.

Weinman’s lawyer, Bruce McMahon of Los Angeles, told reporters outside the courtroom that neither he nor Weinman had any comment.

Shaw rejected McMahon’s request that a preliminary hearing for Weinman be delayed until February. A judge uses a preliminary hearing to decide if there is enough evidence to warrant a trial.


“We believe in speedy justice,” Shaw said in denying McMahon’s request. McMahon then agreed upon Jan. 14 for a pretrial hearing and Jan. 21 for the preliminary hearing for Weinman.

Irvine Temporary Housing is a nonprofit organization created about seven years ago to find shelter for the homeless in the Irvine area. The fate of the agency has been undecided since Weinman’s arrest. Irvine City Manager Paul O. Brady said last week the city will announce Jan. 12 whether it will continue to fund the agency.
