
O.C. Students Outscore State on CAP Test

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Orange County eighth-graders fared worse on the 1992 California Assessment Program tests than they did two years ago, but they still outperformed their peers around the state, according to results released today by the state Department of Education.

The average CAP score for Orange County middle school students was 282, compared to a statewide average of 259.

The test, with overall scores ranging from 100 to 400, covers five subject areas--reading, writing, math, science and history-social science. In each of those subjects, Orange County students scored at least 18 points higher than did California students as a whole. In writing, they scored 30 points higher.


In Orange County’s middle schools, 53.8% of the students demonstrated skills deemed to be adequate or better. California schools had only 46.5% of students performing at that level.

“Orange County has been one of the superstar counties,” said state Schools Supt. Bill Honig. “There’s been a tremendous concentration of effort in middle schools in Orange County and it shows in the scores.”

But scores, both statewide and in Orange County, have declined since their peak in 1990, the last time students were given the CAP test. In that two-year period, Orange County’s scores for all five CAP test subjects combined dropped more than did California’s--six points in Orange County compared to four points statewide.


Although the trend shows CAP scores generally rising since the mid-1980s, Honig lamented the decline during the past two years, particularly on the reading portion of the exam, where scores dropped 10 points in California and 14 points in Orange County.

He placed blame for the decline on the recession, which he said has deprived schools of adequate funding, forced districts to increase class sizes and created economic turmoil in many students’ homes. He also pointed to a large influx of students whose limited command of English affects their test-taking. All those factors were pronounced in Orange County, Honig said.

Because of state budget cuts, the CAP test was not given to students in 1991. The 1992 results are for tests administered in the spring to all eighth-graders. The tests were made up of multiple-choice questions, except for the writing portion, in which students were randomly assigned a 45-minute essay topic.


In recent years, the CAP test has been undergoing revision. This coming spring, all students in fourth, eighth and 10th grades will take newly created CAP tests in reading, writing and math, said Dale Carlson, director of the CAP program.

The new tests move away from the much-criticized multiple-choice format--which allows students to guess the correct answer to problems they cannot actually solve--to “performance-based” tests which require students to solve math and science problems and write about issues presented to them in the language and history portions of the test, Carlson said.

Within Orange County, the best-performing district was Brea-Olinda Unified, which has only one middle school. The average score of the eighth-graders’ tests was 328--69 points above the state average. Irvine Unified and Saddleback Valley Unified each boasted average overall scores of 322.

Mike Condiff, principal at Brea Junior High, said he was delighted with the school’s performance. He attributed it to a seven-year program emphasizing cooperative learning, in which students study and solve problems in groups, and a literature-based program in which grammar, writing and reading comprehension are incorporated into the study of literature. The students are also tackling more open-ended problems in math and science, Condiff said.

“Instead of being told, ‘Compute these 40 problems,’ they are being told, ‘Write me an essay about how to solve this problem,’ ” Condiff said.

Condiff acknowledged that Brea’s success is fueled in part by a population of relatively wealthy, well-educated families whose children come to school with a good command of English. It would be “crazy,” he said, to expect scores like Brea’s in a disadvantaged district.


Westminster and Santa Ana Unified, two districts with large numbers of students who are poor or lack a command of English, turned in the lowest CAP scores in Orange County, with overall averages of 254 and 221, respectively. Compared to districts of similar socioeconomic makeup, however, Santa Ana is performing better than 59% of its peers and Westminster better than 79%, state figures show.

That “relative rank” was designed by state officials to factor into consideration those things that can affect performance on standardized tests. The relative rank groups schools and districts according to the numbers of students whose families receive federal assistance, the education level of students’ parents, how often students move from school to school, and the number of students with limited English skills.

Evaluated that way, the performance of a district like Santa Ana Unified would not be compared to that of Irvine Unified, a predominantly wealthy, Anglo district.

Among the top-performing districts in Orange County, state figures show that Brea-Olinda performed better than 90% of districts with similar socioeconomic profiles, Irvine did better than 74% and Saddleback better than 83%.

The school with the best overall score in Orange County was Vista Verde Elementary in Irvine, with an average score of 360. It also placed first in three subject areas--writing, math and history-social science--fourth in science and fifth in reading. Marine View Middle School in Huntington Beach and La Paz Intermediate in Mission Viejo ranked second overall.

In Santa Ana Unified, where the overall score of 221 lagged far below the state average, one school stood out. MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate, which uses a back-to-basics approach to education, averaged 270 overall, nearly 50 points higher than the rest of the district. Another Santa Ana school, Spurgeon Intermediate, suffered the biggest six-year drop in Orange County, a 36-point overall decline.


Supt. Rudy M. Castruita said he was proud of MacArthur’s scores but noted that the school lacks a bilingual education program and thus does not have the added challenge of a non-English-speaking population. And despite Spurgeon’s six-year decline, Castruita noted that it was the only school in Santa Ana to improve its scores since 1990.

Castruita said that the disadvantages of Santa Ana’s student population might contribute to lower test scores than in some other districts but that its students still perform well. He noted that Santa Ana placed ninth of 15 high school districts in Advanced Placements tests last year, and that 65% of its students go on to post-secondary schools.

“It takes more time and effort to get our kids reading, writing and knowing the art of test-taking,” he said. “We might not test real well, but we compete well.”

The Orange County school that most improved its CAP scores since 1990 was Lexington Junior High in Cypress, which gained 14 points overall during a period when Orange County scores dropped six points. While the latest state and county scores stand only 11 points higher than they did in 1985-86, Yorba Middle School brought its scores up 59 points, making it the most-improved in Orange County during that period.

“We are extremely pleased,” said Ken Lorge, Yorba Middle School’s principal. “We have really been emphasizing different, higher expectations for the kids. We tell them the tests reflect themselves, their parents, the teachers, everyone. We told them to envision themselves doing well.”

Lorge said teachers and administrators take extra time to praise students for good schoolwork. Conversion from a two-year to a three-year middle school helped provide more continuity to prepare students for the test, and expanded use of cooperative learning methods helped enhance students’ absorption of the subject matter.


The biggest drop in scores since 1990 occurred at Fred Moiola School in Fountain Valley. Test scores there declined 52 points to 279. Even with that drop, however, that overall score exceeds the state average and nearly matches the county average.


CAP Scores Decline

Although Orange County eighth-graders continue to rank higher than their peers in California, the local California Assessment Program average score dipped from two years ago, the last time the tests were given. Statewide, the pattern is similar.

Orange County California 1986-87 275 251 1987-88 280 258 1988-89 287 261 1989-90 288 263 1991-92 282 259

Note: CAP tests were not given in 1990-91 because of budget cuts.


Orange County Category Scores

Countywide category scores also topped statewide figures.

Orange County California Reading 268 247 Writing 287 257 Mathematics 295 270 History/social science 276 255 Science 283 265 Overall average 282 259

Top Five Districts--Average Score Brea-Olinda Unified: 328 Irvine Unified: 322 Saddleback Valley Unified: 322 Los Alamitos Unified: 318 Laguna Beach Unified: 315 Top Five Schools--Average Score Vista Verde Elementary (Irvine): 360 Marine View Middle School (Ocean View): 348 La Paz Intermediate (Saddleback): 348 Sierra Vista Middle (Irvine): 342 Hewes Middle (Tustin): 342 Source: California Department of Education

How to Read the Scores

Appearing here are the results of the 1992 California Assessment Program test for eighth-graders. This is a guide on how to read the scores:


Five areas were tested: Reading, writing, mathematics, history/social science and science. Average scores are given for each area tested; school and district averages may be compared to the statewide and countywide averages.

Two measures of progress are shown:

* The change from 1989-90 is the most recent comparison, since no tests were given during the 1990-91 school year.

* The change from 1985-86 shows the growth or drop since the reading, math, history-social science and science tests began. The base year for writing scores is 1986-87.

In general, a fluctuation of less than 10 points is not significant. Because the statewide test is meant to give a snapshot of schoolwide academic performance, individual student scores are not given.

* Relative rank allows a comparison of schools or districts with a similar socioeconomic makeup. It groups schools with the 20% of those most similar to it in terms of number of students receiving federal aid, parents’ education, how often students move from school to school and the number of students with limited English skills. Each is then ranked on a scale of 1 to 99. A score of 67, for example, would mean that the school or district ranked higher than 66% of those in its group.

Sample Questions From the Test

Here are some sample questions from the eighth-grade California Assessment Program test :


The purpose of a fuse in an electrical circuit is to:


A) Increase the current in the circuit.

B) Decrease the resistance of the circuit.

C) Prevent possible damage to the circuit.

D) Raise the temperature of the wires in the circuit.

Answer: C

You are facing north early in the morning. What is the location of the sun?

A) To your left.

B) To your right.

C) Directly behind you.

D) Directly in front of you.

Answer: B


Suppose that a dictator comes into power in a country. He believes that all of the people should obey him in everything. He believes that the nation as a whole is far more important than individuals. He does not care about individual freedom, only about the advancement of the country. Which one of the following do you think the dictator might do while he is in power?

A) He would encourage newspapers that give all points of view.

B) He would hold free elections.

C) He would see that people were taught to obey without question.

D) He would encourage the development of political parties.

Answer: C

The discovery of gold enabled California to:

A) Become the largest state in terms of size.

B) Become a state quickly because of its rapid population growth.

C) Support the Confederate states.

D) Become a leading exporter of mining machinery.

Answer: B


Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.

In Korea there is a famous folktale about a young woman named Yun Ok. One day she visited the house of a renowned hermit to request his assistance. Upon entering his house, Yun Ok cried, “O famous sage, I am in distress!”

“What is your story?” asked the hermit.

“It is my husband,” Yun Ok replied. “For the past three years, he has been away fighting in the wars, and now that he has returned, he scarcely speaks to me or anyone else. When he talks at all, he speaks roughly. I am seeking a potion to make him loving and gentle again.”


The wise hermit meditated and then said, “I can create a remedy, but the most essential ingredient is the whisker of a living tiger, which you yourself must obtain.”

After darkness fell, Yun Ok crept out to the mountainside with a bowl of delicious food. Night after night, she crept closer to the tiger’s cave until gradually he became accustomed to her presence. After several months, he allowed her to caress his head, and she pleaded, “Oh Tiger, generous animal, I must have one of your beautiful whiskers,” and he allowed her to snip one off.

She carried it carefully to the hermit, who, to her amazement, dropped it into the fire.

“What have you done?” she cried in anguish.

The hermit asked how she obtained it, then said in an all-knowing tone, “You tamed the ferocious tiger and won his confidence and affection. Is a man more vicious than a tiger? Surely you can do the same with your husband!”

Yun Ok returned home slowly, pondering the knowledgeable hermit’s advice.

In this story, confidence means:

A) Suspicion

B) Respect

C) Love

D) Trust

Answer: D

The lesson Yun Ok should have learned was to:

A) Try the potion on her husband every day.

B) Be patient and gentle with her husband.

C) Slip the tiger’s whisker into the fire.

D) Ask the hermit to talk to her husband.

Answer: B

Source: State Department of Education


1992 CAP Scores for Orange County


Change from Relative Statewide Score 1989-90 1985-86 Reading 247 -10 4 Writing 257 -2 7 Math 270 -1 17 History/social science 255 -5 12 Science 265 -4 15 Average 259 -4 11


Change from Relative Countywide Score 1989-90 1985-86 Reading 268 -14 4 Writing 287 -2 12 Math 295 0 17 History/social science 276 -7 11 Science 283 -6 13 Average 282 -6 11

Anaheim Union High

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 251 -6 -3 72 Writing 246 -3 0 59 Math 274 -3 2 87 History/social science 257 -8 5 80 Science 267 1 7 81 Average 259 -4 2 77

Change from Relative Ball Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 262 3 32 83 Writing 226 -32 -8 34 Math 269 -10 18 87 History/social science 265 -17 24 86 Science 267 1 24 83 Average 258 -11 18 79

Change from Relative Brookhurst Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 232 -11 -29 47 Writing 220 -24 -23 21 Math 264 -14 -16 82 History/social science 239 -22 -15 62 Science 258 -8 -6 71 Average 243 -16 -18 60

Change from Relative Dale Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 258 19 9 80 Writing 240 24 -2 51 Math 273 9 1 89 History/social science 262 11 11 84 Science 260 -2 -4 75 Average 259 12 3 78


Change from Relative Lexington Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 282 -1 -20 63 Writing 300 32 33 69 Math 314 15 2 88 History/social science 298 0 1 84 Science 301 24 3 81 Average 299 14 4 78

Change from Relative Orangeview Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 258 -10 15 88 Writing 259 -17 2 88 Math 275 -8 18 92 History/social science 259 -3 23 89 Science 279 12 34 93 Average 266 -5 18 90

Change from Relative Polaris High-Ind. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 189 -15 -100 2 Writing 128 N.A. N.A. 1 Math 228 16 20 8 History/social science 220 -10 -20 8 Science 215 -22 -42 3 Average 196 -8 -36 4

Change from Relative South Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 233 -14 -22 66 Writing 238 -12 -5 64 Math 257 -5 -11 84 History/social science 237 -10 -15 76 Science 252 2 -6 80 Average 243 -8 -12 75

Change from Relative Sycamore Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 220 -27 -6 69 Writing 220 0 -3 59 Math 238 -8 -15 77 History/social science 234 -25 6 85 Science 238 -25 -1 83 Average 230 -17 -4 76

Change from Relative Walker Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 265 -13 -4 66 Writing 268 9 14 62 Math 297 -8 9 93 History/social science 264 -6 2 65 Science 281 2 8 75 Average 275 -3 6 75


Brea-Olinda Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 315 -1 17 86 Writing 340 -32 64 90 Math 348 7 37 95 History/social science 312 -4 19 83 Science 327 13 41 92 Average 328 -3 36 90

Change from Relative Brea Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 315 -1 17 86 Writing 340 -32 64 90 Math 348 7 37 95 History/social science 312 -4 19 83 Science 327 13 41 92 Average 328 -3 36 90

Buena Park

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 249 -36 -6 64 Writing 284 -3 14 90 Math 264 -8 -9 77 History/social science 249 -19 -1 66 Science 271 -25 3 78 Average 263 -18 0 76

Change from Relative Buena Park Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 249 -36 -6 64 Writing 284 -3 14 90 Math 264 -8 -9 77 History/social science 249 -19 -1 66 Science 271 -25 3 78 Average 263 -18 0 76

Capistrano Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 285 -17 15 53 Writing 299 -15 -10 55 Math 315 -8 29 79 History/social science 303 -2 27 74 Science 309 3 29 78 Average 302 -8 18 69

Change from Relative Forster Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 285 -2 22 70 Writing 301 6 -4 75 Math 316 13 40 93 History/social science 297 5 22 86 Science 311 16 41 89 Average 302 8 24 84


Change from Relative Newhart Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 296 -13 38 56 Writing 306 -16 -18 46 Math 324 -7 56 75 History/social science 320 11 52 75 Science 317 -8 39 76 Average 313 -7 33 67

Change from Relative Niguel Hills Jr. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 281 -40 -21 33 Writing 292 -36 -38 31 Math 321 -24 -1 72 History/social science 305 -14 -4 63 Science 310 -1 -1 68 Average 302 -23 -13 55

Change from Relative Shorecliffs Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 275 -11 23 50 Writing 296 -15 30 64 Math 290 -20 18 64 History/social science 283 -15 35 64 Science 294 1 38 73 Average 288 -12 29 63

Fountain Valley

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 289 -27 2 64 Writing 310 -10 4 73 Math 312 -10 19 79 History/social science 296 -19 10 71 Science 298 -19 9 69 Average 301 -17 9 71

Change from Relative Fulton Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 309 -23 5 69 Writing 303 -44 -11 44 Math 320 -9 17 71 History/social science 307 -21 6 64 Science 309 -21 -2 67 Average 310 -24 3 63

Change from Relative Masuda Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 302 -12 21 82 Writing 345 22 34 95 Math 335 7 37 94 History/social science 309 -21 17 86 Science 306 -12 16 82 Average 319 -3 25 89


Change from Relative Moiola Elementary Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 242 -94 -54 7 Writing 292 -52 -24 54 Math 275 -50 -9 37 History/social science 289 -31 7 69 Science 296 -32 6 73 Average 279 -52 -15 51

Change from Relative Talbert Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 260 -40 -5 33 Writing 284 -8 -19 50 Math 284 -19 11 64 History/social science 269 -26 9 50 Science 274 -31 7 45 Average 274 -25 1 49


Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 258 -5 -4 58 Writing 281 -1 15 68 Math 285 -1 11 79 History/social science 263 -6 -10 64 Science 270 -8 2 60 Average 271 -4 3 66

Change from Relative Ladera Vista Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 261 -12 -8 53 Writing 281 -12 -1 63 Math 275 -3 -2 65 History/social science 263 -8 -20 56 Science 265 -17 -9 44 Average 269 -10 -8 56

Change from Relative Nicolas Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 208 -9 -29 23 Writing 243 0 16 55 Math 250 0 -2 70 History/social science 222 -8 -26 44 Science 241 -6 -11 55 Average 233 -5 -10 50

Change from Relative Parks Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 298 5 21 79 Writing 313 8 27 79 Math 323 4 34 91 History/social science 299 1 15 81 Science 298 -1 22 74 Average 306 3 24 81


Garden Grove Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 241 -12 11 61 Writing 260 -3 21 77 Math 277 4 28 89 History/social science 243 -10 20 69 Science 263 1 25 80 Average 257 -4 21 76

Change from Relative Alamitos Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 233 10 3 50 Writing 264 21 50 80 Math 281 17 31 92 History/social science 234 2 6 58 Science 250 5 9 64 Average 252 11 20 73

Change from Relative Bell Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 280 -18 -9 60 Writing 292 3 29 58 Math 300 -12 14 77 History/social science 281 -8 10 60 Science 297 -4 17 77 Average 290 -8 12 67

Change from Relative Doig Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 214 -13 13 63 Writing 240 -7 17 82 Math 245 4 22 82 History/social science 218 -15 19 73 Science 243 9 35 86 Average 232 -4 21 78

Change from Relative Fitz Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 228 -31 11 57 Writing 245 -11 28 70 Math 253 -20 10 81 History/social science 252 -12 33 85 Science 256 -4 30 82 Average 247 -16 22 76

Change from Relative Irvine Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 238 1 18 78 Writing 259 4 38 91 Math 279 6 45 95 History/social science 233 -6 31 78 Science 261 14 45 90 Average 254 4 35 88


Change from Relative Jordan Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 216 -41 5 43 Writing 257 -29 -7 83 Math 264 -4 20 86 History/social science 220 -36 23 56 Science 242 -22 15 73 Average 240 -26 11 71

Change from Relative McGarvin Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 272 -31 10 76 Writing 266 -11 -6 74 Math 315 11 39 98 History/social science 274 -15 21 82 Science 291 1 16 88 Average 284 -9 16 87

Change from Relative Ralston Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 253 9 26 57 Writing 263 -7 3 64 Math 289 24 32 88 History/social science 245 1 17 45 Science 274 8 25 72 Average 265 7 21 68

Huntington Beach City

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 281 -31 -13 46 Writing 306 6 10 57 Math 319 3 10 77 History/social science 304 -8 4 70 Science 305 -15 -6 70 Average 303 -9 1 65

Change from Relative Dwyer Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 253 -40 -7 17 Writing 293 4 17 58 Math 301 4 23 76 History/social science 283 -9 9 62 Science 290 -8 2 64 Average 284 -10 9 58

Change from Relative Sowers Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 300 -24 -23 61 Writing 314 8 4 56 Math 331 3 -17 78 History/social science 318 -6 1 74 Science 314 -20 -16 74 Average 315 -8 -10 69


Irvine Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 307 -21 22 66 Writing 334 1 12 77 Math 343 -2 31 85 History/social science 319 -9 25 74 Science 307 -13 19 65 Average 322 -9 22 74

Change from Relative Lakeside Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 295 -33 2 55 Writing 316 -12 5 58 Math 331 -11 15 78 History/social science 302 -14 -9 61 Science 300 -18 3 55 Average 309 -18 3 62

Change from Relative Rancho San Joaquin Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 293 -34 11 52 Writing 308 -19 -6 49 Math 341 -6 33 83 History/social science 307 -34 14 64 Science 301 -24 18 57 Average 310 -23 14 63

Change from Relative Sierra Vista Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 338 -3 54 86 Writing 349 15 21 85 Math 362 1 53 92 History/social science 339 8 50 85 Science 320 -4 36 78 Average 342 3 43 85

Change from Relative Venado Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 298 -8 24 59 Writing 355 15 23 88 Math 335 6 26 79 History/social science 323 5 41 77 Science 306 -4 25 62 Average 323 3 28 75

Change from Relative Vista Verde Elem. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 339 -36 7 86 Writing 407 53 111 99 Math 367 21 32 93 History/social science 355 2 39 92 Science 330 -5 -5 84 Average 360 7 37 93


La Habra City

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 252 -11 -20 68 Writing 294 10 21 94 Math 272 -18 -4 84 History/social science 249 -13 -20 68 Science 256 -11 -6 65 Average 265 -9 -6 79

Change from Relative Imperial Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 244 -16 -2 66 Writing 270 -11 -3 86 Math 273 -19 11 88 History/social science 232 -35 -16 57 Science 252 -15 -5 67 Average 254 -19 -3 75

Change from Relative Washington Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 260 -5 -44 70 Writing 323 36 51 98 Math 271 -17 -22 79 History/social science 269 12 -26 78 Science 262 -4 -7 62 Average 277 4 -10 83

Laguna Beach Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 309 -7 12 69 Writing 320 15 -15 62 Math 325 25 28 75 History/social science 316 7 0 72 Science 307 -2 3 64 Average 315 8 6 68

Change from Relative Thurston Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 309 -7 12 69 Writing 320 15 -15 62 Math 325 25 28 75 History/social science 316 7 0 72 Science 307 -2 3 64 Average 315 8 6 68

Los Alamitos Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 305 -5 9 67 Writing 319 1 19 62 Math 331 4 15 78 History/social science 315 10 15 71 Science 321 -6 17 78 Average 318 1 15 71


Change from Relative McAuliffe Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 305 -5 22 67 Writing 319 1 19 62 Math 331 4 27 78 History/social science 315 10 31 71 Science 321 -6 39 78 Average 318 1 28 71

Newport-Mesa Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 274 -15 5 63 Writing 269 6 17 54 Math 299 3 18 83 History/social science 297 5 22 86 Science 286 -7 14 72 Average 285 -2 15 73

Change from Relative Corona del Mar High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 327 -20 27 82 Writing 309 24 9 51 Math 362 20 43 92 History/social science 351 22 39 90 Science 325 -16 21 82 Average 335 6 28 82

Change from Relative Costa Mesa High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 258 -15 1 62 Writing 256 10 -5 52 Math 280 -8 0 81 History/social science 270 1 -4 76 Science 263 -14 -15 57 Average 265 -5 -5 67

Change from Relative Ensign Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 263 -18 -14 47 Writing 247 -6 -5 15 Math 280 -11 -11 66 History/social science 291 -5 8 86 Science 280 -6 3 63 Average 272 -9 -4 60

Change from Relative TeWinkle Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 258 -4 -4 66 Writing 285 15 71 90 Math 293 21 34 92 History/social science 286 12 28 89 Science 283 11 21 84 Average 281 11 30 86


Ocean View

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 279 -31 8 60 Writing 296 -25 0 67 Math 306 2 24 81 History/social science 283 -14 14 66 Science 297 -12 16 76 Average 292 -16 12 70

Change from Relative Crest View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 196 -29 -18 34 Writing 209 -46 0 40 Math 241 6 -1 78 History/social science 219 -21 0 69 Science 237 -11 10 77 Average 220 -20 -2 62

Change from Relative Harbour View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 265 -39 0 14 Writing 277 -40 -32 16 Math 324 12 46 75 History/social science 275 -19 14 21 Science 287 -33 11 36 Average 286 -24 8 35

Change from Relative Marine View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 347 -47 15 88 Writing 354 -14 -14 88 Math 347 -3 5 87 History/social science 339 -18 -3 85 Science 354 -1 1 93 Average 348 -17 1 88

Change from Relative Mesa View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 291 5 26 64 Writing 317 -1 11 76 Math 300 -2 20 65 History/social science 282 -7 7 47 Science 309 3 22 79 Average 300 0 17 67

Change from Relative Spring View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 272 -37 -10 55 Writing 284 -37 -3 50 Math 304 -1 19 86 History/social science 302 4 15 90 Science 300 1 23 83 Average 292 -14 9 77


Change from Relative Vista View Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 280 -40 15 67 Writing 308 -16 22 83 Math 303 -1 29 85 History/social science 265 -20 28 39 Science 280 -28 13 55 Average 287 -21 21 69

Orange Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 266 -13 5 50 Writing 286 -1 10 69 Math 285 -2 16 70 History/social science 276 -9 8 64 Science 283 -6 12 66 Average 279 -6 10 64

Change from Relative Alternative Ed. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 242 N.A. N.A. 44 Writing 279 N.A. N.A. 86 Math 246 N.A. N.A. 42 History/social science 215 N.A. N.A. 14 Science 242 N.A. N.A. 31 Average 245 N.A. N.A. 48

Change from Relative Cerro Villa Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 285 -36 3 47 Writing 319 1 45 70 Math 300 -18 16 58 History/social science 301 -8 15 69 Science 301 -16 14 65 Average 301 -15 19 62

Change from Relative El Rancho Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 287 -6 -2 42 Writing 287 -12 -22 26 Math 296 -4 9 45 History/social science 301 1 10 60 Science 302 -7 -1 58 Average 295 -6 -1 47

Change from Relative Portola Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 215 -16 -6 46 Writing 244 9 5 74 Math 257 6 22 84 History/social science 230 -9 13 70 Science 241 4 17 73 Average 237 -1 10 71


Change from Relative Santiago Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 269 -15 -19 66 Writing 316 8 22 95 Math 289 7 -7 87 History/social science 270 -18 -26 69 Science 278 -14 -20 70 Average 284 -6 -10 81

Change from Relative Yorba Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 241 10 -6 47 Writing 220 -26 -47 17 Math 265 6 16 74 History/social science 244 -26 -19 51 Science 269 4 8 71 Average 248 -6 -10 54

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 307 -5 28 74 Writing 318 1 41 73 Math 326 10 34 82 History/social science 302 -2 16 69 Science 301 -7 21 66 Average 311 -1 28 73

Change from Relative Kraemer Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 255 -20 -2 47 Writing 297 2 30 85 Math 283 -1 3 79 History/social science 263 -14 -10 60 Science 267 -15 3 51 Average 273 -10 5 67

Change from Relative Travis Elementary Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 319 -4 -4 76 Writing 335 4 4 75 Math 343 -3 -3 85 History/social science 309 -14 -14 66 Science 302 -14 -14 58 Average 322 -6 -6 73

Change from Relative Tuffree Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 306 -18 0 67 Writing 315 15 33 57 Math 338 7 33 82 History/social science 311 0 13 67 Science 307 -10 6 64 Average 315 -1 17 68


Change from Relative Yorba Jr. High Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 326 8 46 81 Writing 324 -15 41 67 Math 341 18 48 83 History/social science 314 -1 26 70 Science 311 1 31 69 Average 323 2 38 74

Change from Relative Yorba Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 345 7 77 92 Writing 338 9 39 83 Math 325 20 64 82 History/social science 321 21 66 83 Science 325 -7 50 86 Average 331 10 59 85

Saddleback Valley

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 307 -15 19 73 Writing 339 11 33 88 Math 331 1 31 87 History/social science 313 -4 13 81 Science 322 -11 23 85 Average 322 -4 24 83

Change from Relative La Paz Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 346 -2 48 88 Writing 349 -12 66 85 Math 366 16 70 93 History/social science 332 3 24 82 Science 347 -1 34 91 Average 348 1 48 88

Change from Relative Los Alisos Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 289 -29 7 65 Writing 324 -6 -2 87 Math 318 -5 16 88 History/social science 298 -16 1 79 Science 309 -16 17 83 Average 308 -14 8 81

Change from Relative Serrano Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 287 -21 1 56 Writing 342 37 35 91 Math 311 -12 9 79 History/social science 309 -3 12 82 Science 310 -21 16 80 Average 312 -4 15 79


Santa Ana Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 201 -18 -31 40 Writing 242 -8 -16 80 Math 226 -6 -12 58 History/social science 209 -12 -11 52 Science 226 -9 -13 57 Average 221 -11 -17 59

Change from Relative Carr Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 180 -28 -21 26 Writing 212 -24 -11 50 Math 204 -5 -11 38 History/social science 186 -31 -10 34 Science 212 -1 5 48 Average 199 -18 -10 39

Change from Relative Lathrop Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 174 -29 -38 20 Writing 218 -9 -44 57 Math 198 -8 -26 29 History/social science 186 -9 -27 34 Science 209 -9 -14 46 Average 197 -13 -30 38

Change from Relative MacArthur Fund. Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 254 -21 -46 62 Writing 297 -24 3 96 Math 268 -15 -26 75 History/social science 262 -12 -18 73 Science 268 -16 -32 69 Average 270 -18 -24 79

Change from Relative McFadden Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 208 -16 -21 41 Writing 241 -26 -36 75 Math 244 -9 -5 75 History/social science 217 -14 1 58 Science 233 -13 -6 62 Average 229 -16 -13 63

Change from Relative Sierra Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 201 -14 -13 46 Writing 259 10 -23 93 Math 218 -13 12 56 History/social science 210 -16 -4 64 Science 226 -5 -4 69 Average 223 -8 -6 70


Change from Relative Spurgeon Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 201 8 -56 46 Writing 237 18 -20 79 Math 222 7 -32 60 History/social science 197 1 -36 46 Science 215 -3 -37 52 Average 214 6 -36 58

Change from Relative Willard Intermediate Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 188 -27 -23 33 Writing 234 -2 4 76 Math 218 -13 3 56 History/social science 200 -14 7 50 Science 213 -23 -9 50 Average 211 -16 -4 54

Tustin Unified

Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 286 -4 1 64 Writing 283 -16 0 51 Math 305 11 12 80 History/social science 293 -5 5 71 Science 293 -8 7 67 Average 292 -4 5 67

Change from Relative Columbus Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 261 -5 -2 43 Writing 251 -35 -31 16 Math 284 6 5 71 History/social science 263 -13 4 46 Science 272 -2 14 47 Average 266 -10 -2 46

Change from Relative Currie Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 250 -24 -18 43 Writing 246 -29 -4 26 Math 284 7 4 81 History/social science 268 -11 -18 68 Science 268 -22 -9 54 Average 263 -16 -9 57

Change from Relative Hewes Middle Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 340 13 20 86 Writing 346 15 33 84 Math 343 19 26 85 History/social science 344 11 27 87 Science 335 1 16 86 Average 342 12 24 85



Change from Relative District Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 236 -10 -9 61 Writing 259 -2 7 85 Math 271 -5 18 88 History/social science 249 -2 7 77 Science 257 -6 8 77 Average 254 -5 6 79

Change from Relative Johnson Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 208 -24 -11 47 Writing 235 -14 -11 72 Math 254 -16 23 84 History/social science 236 -4 23 81 Science 225 -18 2 58 Average 232 -15 5 70

Change from Relative Stacey Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 259 -7 -16 66 Writing 287 10 17 92 Math 289 -4 6 91 History/social science 267 -2 -3 75 Science 277 -8 -2 78 Average 276 -2 0 82

Change from Relative Warner Int. Score 1989-90 1985-86 rank Reading 231 2 -3 68 Writing 242 -7 11 79 Math 261 5 24 87 History/social science 233 -2 -4 76 Science 262 11 22 89 Average 246 2 10 81
