
Trying to Keep Track of Some Various Trains of Thought

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You studied their statistics and analyzed their every move. Now, high school football fans, you have the opportunity to delve into the minds of some of your favorite players.

We asked several players to keep a daily journal last week, to keep track of their thoughts, hopes and fears going into the Southern Section football championships.

We begin with Division VII. Our journal-keepers: running back Jacob Cuccia and linebacker Brian Willmer from Sunny Hills, fullback/linebacker Leon Vickers and tailback Jeff Byrd from Rancho Alamitos.



Cuccia: Today all the hype began! People are asking me, ‘So are we going to win?’ I say, ‘Heck yeah!’ with no doubt in my voice. (But little do they know that doubt is flying through my head!)

We watched films on Rancho. They are good. I finally get to play against Byrd! Tonight, driving home from Julie’s (my girlfriend) the rain made it so I could write on my window. I kept writing, Rancho Alamitos . . . We Will Win!

Willmer: I’m as nervous as heck . . . probably because of Rancho’s ability to break a big one. If we can stop the run, we will win. But stopping such a great trio of Byrd, Vickers and (quarterback Marshall) Brown will be very tough.


Byrd: Woke up feeling a little nervous. It rained all day so all we did is watch film.

Vickers: I am extremely confident. I feel we can win our school’s first CIF football championship if we play the way we know how. We are proud to be from the Ranch!


Cuccia: What a day. Woke up, had eggs, toast, bacon and a cup of coffee. Open up the L.A. Times and see none other than Mr. “Super Star” himself, Jeff Byrd . . . Prediction: Sunny Hills wins, 28-13.

Willmer: All through class all I could do is think of Friday and how to stop R.A.’s great running attack.


Vickers: Practice was decent today. We were a little lax because this is our last week and we all know it. My school’s atmosphere is up and exciting. I love it. We all want those big, fatty rings.


Cuccia: In about 48 hours, the CIF Div. VII Champ will be crowned. It will be us! Homework and concentrating in class are becoming almost impossible. All I think about is the “GAME.”

In the L.A. Times, Coach (Tim Devaney) was coach of the year. Very well deserved. At first sight he looks like “Papa Smurf,” but when it comes to football, he’s Dr. Jekyll.

Byrd: Woke up feeling really nervous. The game’s two days away.

Vickers: Today is going to be the seniors last day of full practice. I’m suddenly filled with recollections of the last four years. A CIF championship would be a storybook ending. I feel we owe it to the classes of ‘90, ‘91, ’92. Our success was built on their shoulders.

I feel a personal thing with Brian Willmer. I’m going to crush him when we hit.


Cuccia: As I walk down the hall at school and look into the other players’ eyes, I see intensity burning in their bodies. I was talking to my girlfriend Julie today and realized today was the last time I will EVER go onto the practice field to prepare for a high school game. When I was alone, I cried.

Willmer: I can’t wait until Friday. My emotions are building up. I’m ready to play. I had a total of three hours of sleep last night.


Vickers: Our team meeting was so intense. Several alumni were there and each had a few meaningful words for us. We cried tonight. I love my fellow players. I have no doubt we will win because we will win for each other . . . to prove once and for all the Ranch is for real.


Cuccia: The players are (angry) because the newspapers are talking as if Rancho has already won! We have so much of a better chance. We have better linemen, D.B.s, L.B.s and Q.B. than they do! Plus, (fullback Jeff) Willis will kill Vickers!

Willmer: I can’t even describe my excitement. I’m so nervous, I’m shaking.

Vickers: I hope we can see through the distractions of the pep assembly, etc. Our school is so hyped up. I love my school.

Byrd: I am more nervous than ever. I can barely think.

Postscript: Sunny Hills won, 14-13. Cuccia threw a 38-yard halfback option pass to tie the score, 13-13, with 1:38 remaining.


DIVISION IV: Narration provided by running back Scott Seal and linebacker Ryan Jones of Irvine and defensive tackle Phil Bloomberg of Newport Harbor.


Jones: We heard the field at Orange Coast College looks like crud. Hope the stupid rain stops. Saw (Newport Harbor lineman) Beau Ralphs today. That guy’s a man!



Bloomberg: Everybody is excited. Hard-hitting practice today. Defense was flying around.


Jones: I guess most of the people at Newport Harbor think they had, and still have, the best defense in the Sea View League. Well, I guess if a team has a truly better defense they shouldn’t lose to the other team TWICE! Bring it on!

What gives the papers the right to ask the coach of Santa Margarita his opinion of OUR TEAM? Last time I heard, he and his team were buying tickets to the game Saturday.

Seal: This time around, Newport has Bloomberg. That’s another 255-pounder to worry about. High school sports doesn’t get any better than this.


Jones: I wonder what kind of effect Phil Bloomberg will have on their defense? He’s an emotional guy, and these are emotional times. I got the jitters already.

Seal: Today was one of the busiest days of my life. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep all week.

Bloomberg: Good practice. Everybody looks like they’re ready for the biggest game of their lives.


Seal: We’ve been getting better and better each game.

Jones: We’re like a Ferrari ready to shift into fifth gear.

Bloomberg: Tomorrow is the big day. We are ready.

Postscript: Irvine won, 30-8. Seal was held to 70 yards rushing, but Irvine quarterback Aron Garcia threw for 254 yards and two touchdowns.



DIVISION II, a.k.a. THE REMATCH: We pit Esperanza lineman Travis Kirschke and defensive back Kevin Shoup against Los Alamitos quarterback Tim Carey and receiver George Sagen.


Carey: I spent much of the day at the CIF luncheon. Esperanza sat at the table next to us. It fired me up seeing them.

Shoup: Got to school at 7 a.m. to watch films of Los Al. I saw them struggle against (semifinal opponent) Crescenta Valley in the first half. I don’t think Los Al took them very seriously. I’m sure it won’t be that way against us.

Kirschke: This Monday felt like no Monday before. Our attitude is unstoppable.


Carey: I think our team realizes how well we must play in order to beat Esperanza. We are all focused.

Shoup: Our new game plan is awesome. There are a lot of details to remember about coverages but I should have it down by tomorrow, no problem. I’ll be covering Sagen the whole time. Coach Meek said something today that couldn’t have been more true. He said most teams would be happy just to be in the final, but we’re not. We won’t be happy until we beat Los Al.


Carey: Did a lot of studying for tests tonight. Didn’t think much about the game.

Sagen: We need to start mentally preparing for Esperanza.

Shoup: Everyone is confident we are going to work them.


Carey: I don’t think our team could be better prepared offensively. We are ready for any defense Esperanza throws at us.


Sagen: Talked to Tim on the phone today. We’re both excited for the game. It’s our last one together, so we want to have fun and win.

Shoup: The reality that this was my last practice in full pads just set in. This game is my last chance for revenge, redemption and for the championship. I refuse to lose!


Carey: Today was my last practice of my high school career. I feel confident. There is no other team that I would like to play more than the Aztecs for my last high school game.

Shoup: I wish our game was tonight. We can’t be beat.

Kirschke: I don’t know what to say, but we’re ready.

Postscript: Los Al and Esperanza played to a 14-14 tie. Carey threw for 195 yards, Sagen caught six passes. Shoup had two interceptions.
